Auto updating Atomicorp Mod Security Rules

Hello! If any of you use mod_security as a web application firewall, you might have enlisted the services of Atomicorp for regularly updating your mod_security ruleset with signatures to protect against constantly changing threats to web applications in general. One of the initial challenges, in a managed hosting environment, was to implement a system that […] Web based system to purge multiple Varnish cache servers

Hello! We have been working with varnish for quite a while. And there is quite a lot of documentation out there already for the different methods for purging cache remotely via Curl, the varnish admin tool sets and other related methods. We deal with varnish in the Amazon Cloud as well as on dedicated servers. […] Looking to integrate TREB listings into WordPress? Check this post by Shift8 Out

Hey there, I thought I’d link to a blog post by our web design and development site regarding a new Python based tool that allows you to grab TREB listings, listing images and all the TREB data and directly import the extracted data into a WordPress site. The entire Python code was released with the […] Add your Dynamic IPs to Apache HTACCESS files

Hello! We threw together a quick & simple script to dynamically update your .htaccess files within apache to add your dynamic IP address to the allow / deny fields. If you’re looking to password protect an admin area (for example) but your office only has a dynamic IP address, then this script might be handy […] Automated Amazon EBS snapshot backup script with 7 day retention

Hello there! We have recently been implementing several different backup strategies for properties that reside on the Amazon cloud platform. These strategies include scripts that incorporate s3sync and s3fs for offsite or redundant “limitless” backup storage capabilities. One of the more recent strategies we have implemented for several clients is an automated Amazon EBS volume […] Managed VPS hosting services from Star Dot Hosting

Click here for a free quote for managed vps hosting! Hello, I thought I’d update our blog to let everyone know that we offer our extensive managed services catalog on our VPS infrastructure! If you are looking for high quality managed services from systems administrators with extensive experience, then contact our sales department for a […] Checking and repairing mysql replication automatically

Hello! MySQL replication has been known to easily break, as a result of a large multitude of potential causes. Sometimes the replication can even break if an erroneous query is executed on the master server. With all the potential issues that may break replication, we thought it prudent to write an automated check script that […] Clone a XEN VPS server that resides on a LVM / Logical Volume Manager

Hello! We thought it would be important to share this information as it might be interesting to someone who wants to replicate the same VPS across many instances in order to create a farm of web servers (for example). This uses very similar concepts to our LVM XEN backup post a while back. Step 1: […] Linux VPS, Virtual Hosting, XEN VPS Hosting, CPanel VPS Hosting or Managed Hosting Services

Hey there, Before I update regarding my continued experiences with Xen, KVM, Varnish, FreeBSD and all the other (exciting) things that I do, I thought I’d remind anyone here who is looking for linux vps hosting, virtual hosting or specifically xen vps hosting or even cpanel vps hosting to check out our company website : […] Varnish Caching with Joomla

Hello There! One of the exciting new technologies to come out in the last few years is a tremendously efficient and dynamic caching system called Varnish (see : We have been employing the use of Varnish for high traffic websites for the purposes of user experience improvements as well as for redundancy and load […]